About our Paintings and Prints

Our massive collection of Asian art began with ink-on-paper pieces. Our remaining catalog of artwork consists of limited-edition reproduction scrolls and ancestral portraits. Below, you can learn more about our paintings and prints.

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Nigensha Scrolls

These scrolls are high quality replicas of famous Chinese paintings held in Taipei.

The Nigensha Company is a Japanese publisher which made reproduction scrolls in the late 20th century. The firm works diligently with the National Palace Museum in Taipei to preserve and spread Chinese heritage around the globe. They do this by publishing classic books and reproducing famous works of art.

Our collection of Nigensha Scrolls dates back to their production. For 40 years, these scrolls have rested in their original packaging.

More information regarding the history of each piece is visible on product pages.

Ancestral Portraits

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